Consider These Pointers for Your Dogs’ Camping Trip
Is there anything more enjoyable than lying by a campfire with your cuddly friend snuggled up next to you while watching the night sky with sparkling stars? Not in our opinion. Camping is a terrific way to spend time with your pet, but there are certain precautions you should take to ensure your pet’s safety. To ensure your pet is safe when camping, follow the advice of our staff.
#1: Perform a tent trial run before camping with your pet
Getting your pet used to the tent on a practice run in the backyard is a good idea if this is your first camping vacation with them. Let your pet grow familiar with the tent’s smell, feel, and sounds by letting it explore the space once you’ve set it up. Your pet should not be coaxed inside the tent; instead, give it a treat for showing courage by venturing inside.
#2: Ensure your pet is visible
When there’s no power, it’s hard to see in the dark, especially if your pet has black fur. Use a luminous collar or harness during the evening, or invest in an LED collar, to make your furry friend more visible.
If you plan on going on a day hike with your pet, make sure it stands out by dressing it in fluorescent colors. If your animal friend ever gets lost, a bright orange collar or vest will help you locate them quickly.
#3: Study up on pet first aid
When camping, your four-legged pet may fall down a slope, trip over a thorn, or run into a nest of stinging insects. You should be well-versed in pet first aid in case you find yourself in a situation where you need to stabilize your pet’s condition before making your way to the nearest emergency veterinary hospital.
#4: Schedule a veterinary visit
It’s essential to ensure your pet is prepared for camping outdoors before you set up camp. Your pet may need further vaccinations against diseases that are spread by wildlife (such as leptospirosis and Lyme disease) and transmitted by insects (like ticks). Taking precautions against parasites like fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes is also essential before venturing outside.
Our crew is here for you whether your pet needs immediate care after being caught in prickly bush or new vaccines and parasite prevention before your outdoor vacation. To make an appointment, please call us.